Adult Membership is currently £70 per year, and becomes due on the 1st November (16 years old and over).
Junior Membership (12-15 years old) is £35 per year. Please note junior members are allowed to join in the club and to attend workshops provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult member at all times.

Club members have access to the club’s facilities at various session times throughout the week. The sessions are managed by key holders and in turn define the type of work or the flavour of the session. To ensure the safety of the Members there must be at least 2 people in the Club during a Session.
The Session fee is £3 per 3 hours, payable either by cash or bank transfer.
11.00am – 5.00pm (sometimes)-Lapidary, stone polishing.
6.00pm – 9.00pm- Enamelling.
6.00pm-9.00pm- Silverwork (quiet session).
10.00am – 1.00pm- Enamelling (quiet session).
5.30pm – 8.30pm- Lapidary, stone polishing.
10.30am – 1.30pm-Lapidary, stone polishing.
6.00pm – 9.00pm- Enamelling and lapidary, stone polishing.
11.00am – 5.00pm- Lapidary, stone polishing.
11.00am – 2.00pm (by arrangement) – silverwork and lapidary, stone polishing.
1.00pm – 4.00pm- Enamelling- Help and tuition on enamelling or silver is available to
members from one of our most experienced members.

For more information, please email